Stuffing - NBC Sports' Thanksgiving Side Dish Bowl
Stuffing - NBC Sports' Thanksgiving Side Dish Bowl


This one fought us. But with our backs on the wall, the whole team (The Barn + NBC) put our heads together and the lightbulb finally came on for one of the strongest brands of the group.


How on earth do you make a logo for something that does not have a shape?! Being completely honest, the original 3 logo iterations looked more like a not so cute poop emoji. We started thinking of mascots instead of the actual food (The Barn’s vote was for a stereotypical Grandmother with a wooden spoon) , but when NBC came back with a “what if” email, trying to have a fresh set of eyes, the image of the monster mile in Dover Delaware came up…..Light-Bulb!! Don’t think of it as one moist shape, but many chunky/blocky things coming together…. with electric green cut celery for the eyeballs.


A custom colored Digital camo said perfectly what we had a hard time articulating in our early logos. It is not one color, it is not a simple pattern, but step back and it makes something great. We loved it so much we even ghosted it into the numbers. Still consummate storytellers we created a simple stripe to border the camo. Tan to represent bread, white to represent onions, and green to represent celery.


With something as complex as digital camo as a main design aspect, we knew we couldn’t re-invent the wheel. But the simple base made the logo shine and the camo to become even more of a design element. The gloves ended like all of the other teams, a way to have some fun and lighten up the whole brand. Someone warn Marky Mark and NKOTB, we’ve got The Right Stuff.

The Barn helped us take on the exciting task of revamping not only our logo, but our entire brand. We couldn’t have been more pleased with the attention to detail and assistance with project management from Nick and his team. <It> was terrifying, but The Barn made the process feel almost effortless and brought our vision to life in the most vivid way.

Abbie Meadows

Marketing Manager, Columbus Cottonmouths


Our biggest professional re-design to date has also been our largest award winning. The Barn was awarded with a Top 50 New Logos of the Year in 2016. With the Creamer Awards being the top of the top in sports design, them putting us in the same group as teams like the Toronto Maple Leafs is a pretty high honor.

Beyond awards for our agency it was wildly successful for the team as well. We all know that sports design is closely related to merchandise sales, and it is even more important in the minors where every dollar counts. We are proud to say that the Cottonmouths merchandise sales were more than double the year they launched the new branding!

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